Do you have any plans for this year’s Father’s day? Perhaps, you want to treat your father to a fancy restaurant on his special day. You might want to buy him that leather shoes or belt that he has been eyeing at the mall. And you can just visit your hometown and spend the weekend with him. Surely, he will appreciate that. But what if your father is too physically weak to go out of the house?
For senior parents, their actions are quite limited. They may not be that strong anymore to go fishing or chew a steak, but that does not mean that you cannot treat them this Father’s Day. At Comfort Care Home Health Care in Stony Island Chicago, Illinois, we strongly encourage family bonding through our home care services. Here are some Father’s day surprises that you may want to do:
Be a caregiver for a day
To be a good caregiver does not necessarily mean that you have to be well-trained. There can be some exceptions like a family member who volunteers to be a caregiver to his parents. You can do that too this Father’s Day.
You can be with your senior loved one and assist him in his grooming, dressing and wound dressing, if applicable. You can also prepare an activity for them in the afternoon like hiking or playing chess. This may be simple, but it is heartfelt. Your father will surely appreciate it.
Bring the fancy restaurant in your home
If your father has a hard time walking or moving around, it might be impossible for you to take him to the mall or a restaurant. But that should not stop you from wasting your time at home. If you know how to cook, you can bring the fancy restaurant to your kitchen table.
You can prepare a dinner with your whole family and share about your stories over the sumptuous meal. You can even cook all the favorite food of your father and serve it to the whole family. There is no better way to spend Father’s Day than having the complete family around.
Watch an old film together
You can hang out with your father over his favorite movie. You can have a movie marathon or you can run through that old tape that you keep which contains all the memorable videos that you made in the past. It could bring back happy times and good memories.
Emotionally, it can comfort your father reminding him that his family still cares. It can also relieve him from his stress by watching those candid moments.
So, have you already decided how you would spend Father’s Day this year? Let us know your thoughts and leave us some messages at Comfort Care Home Health Care in Stony Island Chicago Illinois. For details, you can visit www.comfortcarehha.com or call us at 773-221-4400.