Frustration is the feeling we get when a desired goal is blocked by an obstacle. Everyone is guilty of being frustrated at some point in their life.
More so, it is also present on elders. For some, their responses to frustration can be easily identified, while for others, we can hardly observe them at all. Because of this, the need to further identify common responses and effective coping mechanism should be reached.
Obstacles concerning frustration could either be from internal or external sources.
External Sources
External sources are either environmental or social obstacles. These are outward conditions that hinder individuals from their goals. It could be environmental, like a traffic jam that caused elders to be late in their aerobics class, or social, like the absence of your personal nurse caused you to be helpless when in times of need.
Internal Sources
Internal sources on the other hand, are the internal deficiencies within the individual that caused the goal not to be achieved, which then leads to frustration. For instance, being fearful or aloof causes the individual to be unapproachable and thus, fails to make new friends in the neighborhood.
In addition, common responses to frustration are anger, irritability, hopelessness, stress, and anxiety.
Anger is a generated behavior of frustration. In addition, anger could sometimes lead to displacement aggression, where anger is displaced onto other non threatening factors.
Stress on the other hand, is a change in the body and mind. It is seen in various formations. Few of which are irritability, being anxious, the feeling of hopelessness, sadness, and sometimes, depression.
The amount of frustration an individual feels depends on the context and series of obstacle-blocked goals experienced within a period of time.
However, frustration can be controlled. Proper management of emotion and perception to the blocking obstacle can lead to a positive response to frustration. How you control your emotions and view the situation could really affect your response to frustration. Few of which includes less irritability, less stress, anxiety, and low level of aggression. With this, a healthy reaction emerges, and frustration minimizes.
A healthy reaction to frustration often leads to a great coping mechanism. For instance, a frustrated elder with a healthy response may not feel anxious, but instead, would be motivated to solve the obstacle that hinders them from achieving this goal. Meanwhile, for others with an average response, they perhaps divert their attention far from the problem and take time to unwind.
By the same token, the key for an effective way to deal with frustration is care. Efficient care towards self is highly needed to prevent a negative mentality on situations. Proper care is a healthy investment for a healthy lifestyle. At Comfort Care Home Health Care in Stony Island Chicago Illinois, we provide a high standard care for individuals in need. After all, frustration isn’t that bad. A modicum amount of frustration can be an indicator of change and motivation for the self. With this, let us learn to handle our frustrations right, and live a better life.
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