Are you recovering from stroke or injuries? If so, you would know that after your hospital stay, you are ought to get a therapist who will help you get back on your feet again. Your doctor will tell you of what to expect during your therapy sessions but they will not tell you everything.
As much as we value transparency to our patients at Comfort Care Home Health Care in Stony Island Chicago, Illinois, but there are really some protocols that need not to be divulge. However, today, we will let you in onto our little secret about physical therapy. This could help you project your mind on what to really expect during your therapy sessions.
Physical therapists alone cannot diminish your symptoms
When treating patients, we do not have a magic wand or a spell that can cure any ailing part of your body. What we do at Comfort Care Home Health Care in Stony Island Chicago is that we gradually train your body to be able to move and do things that you used to do prior to the accident or stroke. Physical therapy only becomes successful when the patient and the therapist work hand in hand on creating a treatment plan in order to meet the patient’s goals.
“No Pain, No Gain” is not always true.
Although this old adage is applicable in many aspects of our lives but sometimes it is not the same during therapy. Most of the time, treatments and exercises should be relatively pain-free. But of course if you are being treated for low back pain or an overuse injury in a tendon, you should avoid certain movements or positions that may worsen the condition. Basically, physical therapy is not that painful if you are careful of your movements.
Massage has a different definition in Physical Therapy
When a physical therapist tells you they are going to massage a muscle, you should not compare it to the massage that is offered in the spa. Massage performed in therapy is designed to decrease tightness and tone and to improve tissue mobility of a specific muscle that may be very inflamed or the source of joint pain.
If you want to know more about physical therapy, ask our experts all about it at Comfort Care Home Health Care in Stony Island Chicago Illinois. You can check our website www.comfortcarehha.com or call us at 773-221-4400.